FN7-12 series indoor use,high voltage load switch and fuse combined switch

Fn7-12DR is of new type indoor use air compressed AC high voltage load switch for breaking and making the circuit of 50Hz,12K.V system unde rated loading and short circuit current.

Ambient temperature scope:form 12℃ to40℃

Heavy cold zone:25℃ allowed

Altitude not more than 1000m

Relative humidity:average everday not exceeding 95%

Monthly average not more than 80%

There shall have no conductive dust,no corrosive gasess,no severe vobaration and impact.no combustion and explosion on the site for switch operating.

Main product series
Name Kind Model DS DX L R RA P Application
For coming For couting Interlocks Fuse Striker fuse Motor switch off
Koad switch Without striker fuse FN7-12 - - - - - - Switch for power line
FN7-12DSL - - - -
FN7-12DXL - - - -
FN7-12R - - - - - Switch for protecting transformer
FN7-12DSLR - - -
FN7-12DXLR - - -
with striker fuse FN7-12RAF - - - - Swititch for protecting teansformer
FN7-12DSLARF - -
FN7-1212DXLARF - -

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